First-Class In-House Pet Diagnostic Testing
When you bring your animal in for blood tests, you'll have the results within a matter of minutes - usually during your appointment - thanks to our in-house laboratory. We can run all of our general profiles, CBCs, and thyroid testing in our lab. These tests let us know if there are indicator problems and help us to anticipate issues the animal may have later on.
X-Ray Imaging & Dental Radiographs
At Cornerstone Animal Clinic PLLC of Brandenburg, KY, we have an in-house X-ray room for radiographs. We use radiography. After reviewing X-rays, we'll help you come up with a treatment plan.
In-House Pharmacy
You'll be amazed at our extensive in-house pharmacy! For your convenience, you can fill your pet's prescriptions right in our office during your visit. We also offer items online that we don't have in-house. If your animal needs special or unique prescriptions, we'll gladly have the item specially ordered for you.
Contact Us Now!
Give us a call to schedule your appointment with Cornerstone Animal Clinic PLLC. Every member of our team is a veterinary professional who will provide both you and your animal with the utmost care.